Side note...Oh, I asked Malachi today, "What's your favorite animal?" And he said, "Bear." Mini-conversations like this are starting to happen! Because the bear is his favorite, we've been singing "The Bear Climbed Over the Mountain," over and over and over again.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween!
Side note...Oh, I asked Malachi today, "What's your favorite animal?" And he said, "Bear." Mini-conversations like this are starting to happen! Because the bear is his favorite, we've been singing "The Bear Climbed Over the Mountain," over and over and over again.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
More weekend pictures
We just found out this afternoon that Malachi has another ear infection--both ears. I'll be calling the ENT on Monday for sure. Another set of tubes seems to be in order. He's getting infections about every 6 weeks. I can't imagine how he's going to fare through cold and flu season at that rate. He's usually such a trooper that most people wouldn't suspect he had an infection, but this time it was really bad--high fever (around 103 all night last night), no appetite, lethargic. He was starting to perk back up late this evening though, which was encouraging.
Despite all the ear infections, Malachi is making great progress with his speech. He knows a lot of words (i.e., understands a lot of what we're saying and can correctly identify a lot of objects by their name and/or action), so the vocabulary is there and it's finally coming out. Recently we've heard:
*yellow--When you ask Malachi what color something is, it's either red or yellow. We've persuaded him to say blue on a few occassions though. Tonight when we were playing with a bunch of balls, they were all red. When we tried to correct him, it was a very "cougar-tiger" like conversation! :)
*K--Ask Malachi any yes/no question, and the response is "K" as in okay. He totally gets this from me. It is so funny to start hearing Kevin and I in his speech. I guess we have to be careful what we say!
*"Impanzee"--I have witnesses--he really did say Chimpanzee (three syllables!), spontaneously, when we were reading a book.
*Soap (said like "sup")
*Babies--He loves to pretend with his farmer boy made by Grammie and his Raggedy Andy from Grandma. We feed them and rock them. I love the pretend play!
*Seasame street characters (because of that new Elmo toy Grammie and Papa!): Bert, Ernie
*Donkey (for Winnie the Pooh's friend Eyore)
*Barney--all the time! We have two DVDs, a Baby Einstein we borrowed from a friend and a Barney songs DVD (Thanks Auntie Stacey and Uncle Wayne). He LOVES Barney. When Barney starts signing off with his signature I Love You song, Malachi wimpers because he knows Barney is going bye-bye. Oh, we've been trying to get him to wave bye-bye for how long without much success? Barney did the trick. If Barney waves bye-bye, Malachi will wave bye-bye.
I'm loving all these new words. Can you tell from the frequent posting of lists? :)
Monday, October 5, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Visit from Grammie and Papa
*We played at Chik-fil-A. Malachi wanted Grammie to climb on the jungle gym with him. He also wanted me to sit in Grammie's lap on the slide. We couldn't get him to the top of the jungle gym, so we're wondering if maybe he's scared of heights. Kevin and I have taken him to the top of those kinds of jungle gyms before, but this one was less enclosed with lots of "windows" where you could really see how high up you are.
*We went shopping. Malachi conned Grammie and Papa into buying him a toy. While I was shopping, they were in the toy section and he kept pointing to an Elmo toy and signing/saying "please!" Grammie and Papa were quick to oblige! :) Thanks, Mom and Dad. We love the cute new outfits, too!
*We went to an outdoor festival where 4-H had animals on display. A ze-bo (type of cow and I think my Mom's favorite), horses, sheep, goats, chickens, bunnies, and kittens were all there to see. We took a ride on a wagon hooked to a pickup truck and an old fashioned wagon pulled by two beautiful Belgium horses (trained by the Amish in PA). There were quilts and crafts on display, too. Malachi LOVED this one stall in the barn that had about 10 sheep and goats in it. He figured out how to open the stall...luckily I caught that in time before he let the animals out in the process of him trying to get in with them!
*We went to Pet Smart where Malachi jumped up and down in excitement for what seemed like half an hour watching the dogs in doggy day care and the birds for sale. He named the fish when we saw the tanks, but the birds and dogs had his attention.
*We played lots of baseball and hockey with Papa, which was so much fun. And Malachi enjoyed reading, playing with stickers, and pretending with the babies with Grammie.
Fun was had by all. I'll update with pics later; blogger is not cooperating right now.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
More pictures...
Kicking back and relaxing. No, I don't allow him to do this; it just kind of happened. He's been exploring so much more lately, and I think we are on the cusp of a climbing phase. Oh, boy!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Pitt Game
Dare I say that Malachi seems to be exiting the camera obsession phase? I managed to get a few pics before he demanded the camera. Enjoy!
Tailgating. Malachi is certainly the apple of his daddy's eye.
Uncle Brian, Paul (with the wrong colors on), Kevin, and Malachi (still munching away).
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Mama's Best Helper
Ketchup! A new word and new fav "food," along with pepper (I think he just likes the sprinkling of the pepper).
Just kidding!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Making some progress...
And Malachi is definitely talking now! :) And talking ALL THE TIME! It is so wonderful to finally hear his voice saying words, communicating his wants and needs. He came to the kitchen the other night, grabbed a juice cup and said, "More please." Music to my ears. I didn't have to ask him if he wanted a drink. He told me!
He is mimicking what Kevin and I say, which is so cute, and his vocabulary seems to be growing exponentially. Some new words (or words that have gotten clearer recently):
Thank you (Even unprompted from time to time!)
Car ("tar")
Truck ("tuck")
Tow truck
Kitty cat
Daddy and Dad
Mama (He has said Daddy and Mama in the past, but he says them with much more intentionality-to get our attention or "ask" us a question-and correctly-I'm Mama and Kevin is Daddy and not vice versa.)
Duck (He LOVES his ducks at the lake.)
Go (We hear this ALL THE TIME!)
Stop ("top")
He is also doing really well at picture identification. We have a bunch of books with just one picture per page. You can ask him questions such as, "Which one goes in the water?" and he'll correctly point to a boat. So exciting!
OK, enough bragging. Sorry. I just had to share.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Fourth of July
Doesn't my little guy look so grown up with his new haircut?
Friday, July 24, 2009
Yes, we're still here.
Just happened upon this pic. My poor baby had a bad fever, I still up late getting work done, so to keep an eye on him while I was working away on the computer, I laid Malachi down in the living room. Foster joined him. I think Foster appreciates it when Malachi sleeps--no louds squeals of delight, chasing around the room, pulling tail--although Malachi is very generous with the cat treats, which Foster definitely takes advantage of!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Malachi put on quite a show for Grandma and Grandpa. He babbled A LOT! Yea!!! He used his fork more at meals. He pointed at lots of things. Yea!!! He followed Grandma's directions to put his toys in the bins (hmmm...can Grandma come more often?). He played "music" with his cups during his bath (my eardrums are still ringing). He climbed up on Uncle Brian's bed and stood up on it--that was definitely a new one. And he never ceases to amaze Grandma and Grandpa with how much he can eat. He chowed down at a local buffet. His meal was free, but the restaurant had to have taken a loss. I think he ate almost as much as Daddy!
At some point, I'll try to post the one picture I got this weekend. Seriously, it is impossible to have the camera out without him having a meltdown if you don't give it to him. A budding photographer perhaps, or a toddler in full bloom! :)
Sunday, February 8, 2009
New tricks
Listening to some jazz at an African-American Festival. This is what we did to celebrate our First Annual Family Day.