I'm red-faced and sweaty (lovely, I know). It's mid-70's and Malachi wanted to be carried the WHOLE way, as usual. Although tiring, I really enjoyed carrying my little skunk! :) He's going through a Mama-phase right now, so Daddy wasn't allowed to lend a hand (poor Kev-he's handling it pretty well, but I can tell it's hard on him).
Kevin was a cat--of course!
I spy...a skunk!
Side note...Oh, I asked Malachi today, "What's your favorite animal?" And he said, "Bear." Mini-conversations like this are starting to happen! Because the bear is his favorite, we've been singing "The Bear Climbed Over the Mountain," over and over and over again.
Cute!! Hey, a bear is great! Especially if he calls a bear, a bear. Somehow Mamush calls his favorite penguins - "cookies" Who knows!
Cookies? How funny!
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